The Differences Between A Business Sale And A Share Sale

The Differences Between A Business Sale And A Share Sale

Whenever someone is discussing buying or selling a business, the term ‘business sale’ will often be used, but in truth, it is often used wrongly. Commercial law defines a business sale as a specific legal process, and often the transaction taking place is not a business sale but a share sale.

A business sale and a share sale are two distinct types of transaction, and each has several legal differences in commercial law, even though once the sale takes place, it has the same outcome. Based on legal advice from the professionals at Fletcher Law, here are some of the differences between business sales and share sales to clarify what this means in practical terms,

Share Sales

The legal owner of a business is the company and whilst that business ownership does not change, with the buying and selling of shares the ownership of the company can change. In certain states, there are advantages to share sales such as no transfer duties to be paid. There are also administrative benefits such as there being no need for new bank accounts to be opened and contracts with employees and suppliers remain in place.

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7 Awesome Tactics For Divorce Lawyers To Augment Their Digital Marketing Results

7 Awesome Tactics For Divorce Lawyers To Augment Their Digital Marketing Results

For any divorce lawyers reading this who have tried using digital marketing to advance their law firm, but have been underwhelmed by the results, you deserve praise. We say that because the mere fact that you have instigated a digital marketing campaign means that you are already several steps ahead of most other divorce law firms, and that includes much of your local competition.

However, the fact remains that if you are not seeing the results that you want, something has to change. Obviously, without knowing the exact details of what digital marketing tactics or channels you are using we cannot offer you a bespoke solution, nevertheless, we can offer several digital marketing tactics that are proven to work and have worked successfully for divorce lawyers.

Ensure Every Piece Of Content You Publish Is First Class

One of the most important elements of digital marketing is content, however, merely publishing content is not enough. The content you create or had created for you must be exceptional for it to be noticed, consumed, and appreciated by online users, or for the search engines to give it any ranking credit.

Embrace Social Media To Build A Following

Social media might not be to everyone’s liking, and that includes many divorce lawyers, however, if you are to give your online marketing campaign any chance of succeeding, you must have a presence on at least one or two social media platforms. If you do not want to be involved with it yourself, outsource the work, which can be done for a relatively low cost.

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Injunctions – What They Are And Why They Are Granted

Injunctions - What They Are And Why They Are Granted

Injunctions are a legal order that most people are unlikely to ever encounter, but if they are served with one, they need legal help as soon as possible. Injunctions can happen within several scenarios but most commonly they will be used by commercial lawyers within commercial law between two companies, a company against an individual, or an individual against a company.

Injunctions are orders issued by a court that prohibits or commands a specific action, and the objective of that is to prevent another party from suffering harm. One of the most common reasons that an injunction will be sought is to maintain a certain set of circumstances or status quo. An example will be during a dispute between two parties and one of them requests an injunction to prevent the other party from changing, selling, and removing something.

Types Of Injunction

There are essentially four different types of injunction that could be ordered by a court.

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